Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What we've been up to...

Playin' with Little People toys in our underwear
Watching Bob the Builder - or Bobba bulder, tan we fik it (Bob the Builder, can we fix it?) as Gabriel likes to call it. Notice the baby in the lower right watching along, I think you can almost make out his little nose stickin' out of the bouncer. :)
Making and eating Grilled Cheese sandwiches
Isn't life exciting?! He,he!
On a side note...isn't it pretty sad when you tell your five year old that you're having Grilled Cheese sandwiches for lunch and he asks "from where?" ...sigh. :)
I thought I'd also include a picture of Sam with his "long hair" he has LOVED growing it out and has forbidden me to cut it. It is finally getting to where it doesn't look quite so disheveled and out of place. All of the cowlicks are calming down a little and now I don't have to stare at him in Sacrament meeting and think about all the mothers who I just knew were thinking "I thought she cared about what her kids looked like in public, how sad" anymore. Whew.


Unknown said...

CUTE CUTE CUTE pics!! That last one of Sam is priceless!!

Diane said...

Man, now I'm hungry! Grilled cheese sandwiches looks like home cooking to me! Oh, that reminded me of when Kandis, her friend Erika and I got on the plane to go on the cruise. I told them I brought snacks and they said they did too. When I asked them what they brought both of them replied gum. I know I'm old but is gum really a snack???

Christine said...

YOu're boys aRE so cute. I'm glad to see that Carter isn't the only one that runs around in his underwear some days.

Anonymous said...

ROFL! Your grilled cheese story made me laugh out loud! They look tasty though! Look at Sam all grown up and CUTE as ever! So is the longer shag look becoming the Cain trend? Is Josh next? I want to see Mark with longer hair! SUCH cute boys! KISSES!