Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24th

On August 24th 1995, Mark and I entered the Temple to receive our endowments together. We were getting married just one week later. It was a special day. (I don't have a picture, how horrible is that?!)

On August 24th 2007, Our beautiful baby Will was born, our lives have been so blessed to have him in it. It was a special day.

Today, on August 24th 2009, the Oquirrh Mountain Temple (5 minutes from our home) is open to patrons for the first day. It was dedicated yesterday and Mark, Joshua and I were able to attend. It is a special day.

And today, this cute little boy turns TWO. It is a special day.

August 24th is a good day for us.


Peggy said...

It does sound like a special day. Happy 24th to you!

Brandi said...

Wow! That's a great day!! Congrats on all things!

Becky said...

Hope you have a fantastic day! I think 2 year olds are fun.

Anaise said...

What an anniversary for you! How fun to have so many special memories on one day.

And, how can your BABY be 2?!?!

Happy birthday, little man. :)

AD said...

It's a pretty great day at our house too seeing as it's Jon's birthday! :)

Judy Francisco said...

2-year-olds are my absolute FAVE! Happy everything.

Melissa said...

What a cute blog! Your boys are all so cute. I just love Gabe and his beautiful brown eyes! Thanks for inviting me to be a reader! This will be fun. And I'm still laughing about your 'to do list' post. I have a white board that I use almost daily with everything timed out. Somedays are better than others and luckily for me there are more than just second chances!

Diane said...

And by next August you could celebrate with another one!

Unknown said...

AWE! That baby picture is KILLING ME! SO CUTE!!!

Reggs said...

That temple is pretty amazing, as is all your occurances with August 24th! Let's have a BBQ next year on that day. :)

Amber said...


It is fun to hear from you with your blog. You have a cute family!


~ME said...

Oh Brother where art thou?? O.k. I thought I was bad at keeping up to date on posts. I miss reading your goings on ;o) I know I know---with my boys around how would you find the time? hee hee hee. See you soon.

P.S. No fair replying 'ditto'

Cindy said...

Hey, Mel, I'm hoping you will get this sent directly to your email. I'm SO sorry I haven't called you back yet. Things have been crazy, then Thanksgiving and then I've been really sick since Saturday. I really want to talk to you but my throat is killing me so I'm trying not to talk as much as I can. I know you changed your email address recently and I can't find your new email either. I just wanted you to know I'm not intentionally ignoring you. Please shoot me an email with your new address when you have a moment. :)

Shill and Company said...

Life has been good to you and Mark!

Anonymous said...

some advice needed:
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I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:


[url=][img]  [/img][/url]